New study: treating Borrelia with chlorine dioxide

Dr. George Georgiou, Da Vinci Natural Health Center, Cyprus


Lyme disease, caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, is now the most widespread tick-borne disease in the world and has become a major public health problem in the last decade, despite decades of efforts by various health professionals. Conventional treatment for Lyme disease involves the use of a variety of antibiotics, but relapses often occur when antibiotics are discontinued. There are several reasons why this relapse may occur, as B. burgdorferi is a pleomorphic microorganism that can transform from vegetative spirochetes into a variety of different round bodies and biofilm colonies. Therefore, there is an urgent need for approaches that can eliminate all these different morphologies.

This has challenged many health practitioners around the world, not to mention the suffering of many affected people. In this study Chlorine dioxide (CD) in different concentrations for its efficacy in vitro against B. burgdorferi with combined fluorescence and dark-field microscopy tested with live-or-dye staining methods. Our experiments showed that it is possible to completely eradicate all forms of B. burgdorferi at certain concentrations of chlorine dioxide. Our extensive research has shown that chlorine dioxide can be used to eradicate B. burgdorferi morphologies. At certain chlorine dioxide concentrations above 2 ppm, Borrelia morphologies appear to be eradicated, as neither spirochetes nor round bodies are motile, only biofilms are visible. However, re-incubation for another 7 days resulted in the Borrelia being motile again as they come from biofilms.

Download the study

Borrelia: Persistent and changeable

We therefore decided to perform each experiment using the so-called regrowth kill test (RKT) by incubating the original sample with the CD in an incubator at 37 degrees Celsius in a campypack for 7 days. It was found that the biofilms, which form rapidly as soon as CD is added in the first experiment, dissolved and released small spirochetes and round bodies with different morphologies. After numerous RKT experiments, it was found that the concentration that resulted in near complete disinfection of the spirochetes as well as the round bodies was 30 ppm CD.

Our conclusion:

For a long time, it was “only” the many field reports that suggested a great efficacy of chlorine dioxide for Borrelia. Even though this is only an in vitro study in the Petri dish, the results still show that we are on the right track here with chlorine dioxide solutions.

Andreas Kalcker has additionally developed frequency patterns that are a complementary treatment option with various bio-resonance devices. The combination of chlorine dioxide and frequencies seems to safely kill all forms of Borrelia and its known accompanying infections. Ali Erhan was able to experience this firsthand.

Incidentally, the proven CDSplus®, the new high-purity and nano-filtered CDSpure® and a chlorine dioxide solution produced by distillation itself were used in this study. All these variants of chlorine dioxide products had exactly the same resounding effect.

(CDSplus® andCDSpure® are registered trademarks of AQUARIUS pro life Ltd., Cyprus)


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