4.6.5 Double standard "chlorinated chicken

On the one hand, MMS and chlorine dioxide are portrayed in the media as something very toxic and dangerous. On the other hand, the same substance is praised to the skies by the same Federal Office for Risk Assessment and by the same TV station, depending on what the propaganda target is at the time.

For many consumers, the “chlorinated chicken” is a crucial emotional linchpin in the discussion about the EU’s TTIP free trade agreement with the US. Background: In the USA, whole chickens or poultry parts are usually immersed in a chlorine dioxide solution as the final step before packing/freezing and thus thoroughly sterilised. With the TTIP agreement, these would then also be allowed to be sold in the EU, which had previously been excluded since 1997. Chlorine dioxide was approved for a long time in the EU as a preservative with the number E926. To pave the way for the USA, the ARD operates an obvious double standard. If it is about health treatments with MMS according to Jim Humble, it is about the starting product sodium chlorite or the active substance chlorine dioxide about “poisonous chlorine bleach” with bad dangers for life and limb (ARD-Kontraste). If, however, the same substance is used by the USA to sterilize poultry, some of the same experts and institutions are called upon to assert the harmlessness of this substance (ARD REPORT). The USA-affiliated REPORTers then let the BfR expert Ellerbroek of the same Federal Office for Risk Assessment make a plea for a chlorine dioxide treatment of poultry products also in Germany, the same institute that warns against MMS so urgently. Other scientists, such as Reinhard Fries, head of the Institute for Meat Hygiene and Technology at the Free University of Berlin, and Thomas Blaha, epidemiologist at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover, also point out the clear advantages and advocate such treatment of poultry products.

But what all 3 statements have in common is that they deliberately speak only of “treatments with chlorine compounds” and “chlorine treatments of poultry”. However, pure chlorine and most chlorine compounds are highly toxic or produce compounds of concern. The active substance that is actually used here, namely sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide, is deliberately not explicitly mentioned here in order to avoid giving a free pass to MMS and Co. How can one explain to the stupid consumer that one can eat food treated with chlorine dioxide such as poultry or drinking water without hesitation and that one can bathe in swimming pool water treated with it without hesitation, when it is “toxic chlorine bleach”? Why should the same agent that has been proven to be so effective and non-toxic outside the body be ineffective and toxic inside the body? Each of the countless official studies on chlorine dioxide so far has ultimately turned out to be another argument in favor of MMS.

I actually consider the treatment of poultry with chlorine dioxide to be sensible and harmless, since every fifth chicken in the slaughterhouse and thus also in the supermarket is contaminated with salmonella. In January 2013, ZDF Zoom Magazin even found the dangerous antibiotic-resistant MRSA germs in most supermarket products. It is strange that no expert is calling for special caution or hygiene when processing these contaminated products in private households, when it is explicitly a matter of consumer protection. The fried, baked or boiled chicken is certainly germ-free. But what about the knife or, say, the cutting board in the kitchen? In our “MMS-Tips” we show how you can make e.g. cutting boards, knives and kitchen sponges absolutely germ-free with MMS/CDS.


– Warning of the Federal Office for Risk Assessment BfR

– BfR for chlorinated chicken

– The Axis of Good “The Chlorine Chicken – Bird of the Year”

– The standard.at “Comes a chlorine chicken flown”

– ARD political magazine Report Mainz “Chlorine chickens are not

more unhealthy”

– BUND sounds the alarm: Germs in turkey meat

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