Only the strong will survive

“Only the strong will survive

Prepare yourself emotionally for what is to come!

Hello you wonderful Deep Divers (deep divers)

The pandemic is only happening to wake YOU up!

COVID means

C reating

O ur

V ison

I n

D etail

= We create our vision in detail!

The miracle happens just before you want to give up!

Work on your emotional strength and stability!

This is a test!

Many will NOT pass it!

There is a war going on for your mind and for your soul!

This pandemic exposes who you really are and who the others around you really are.

The programmed crowd around you is the MATRX!

You will only reach your emotional strength when you learn to be ALONE (ALL-One)!

Learn to be a true human being!

A true human being is empathic – has compassion for those around him!

A true human being means to think and feel for oneself and to be sovereign!

Work on you!


It is the greatest experiment of mankind!

The experiment can end at any time, just by you saying,“Enough is enough!

If you do NOT speak:

Your silence is the green light for the others!

(he calls them “inorganics”, interestingly enough).

Your silence is YOUR CONSENT to all this crap!

Work on your emotional strength and stability!

“Only the strong will survive

Prepare yourself emotionally for what is to come!

Surround yourself only with people who think like you!

The others – even family members – have long since been taken by the BORG (homing in on sci-fi series Enterprise).


Say, “I’m alive!”

Say, “I’m free!”

Say, “I reclaim my power!”

The world they have given us here is a big lie!

And to become emotionally stronger, you must live in YOUR truth!

Even if everyone is against you!

Even if everyone looks at you funny!

They won’t stop until they have your soul in a computer chip!

Learn to let go of everything you fear to lose!

It makes you emotionally stronger!

You are not alone!

We stand together!

We are creating the new earth!

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