Online course BACK2HEALTH 2018

Table of contents

  • Robert Betz: Mental Detoxification
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. chem. George BirkmayerNADH and cancer success
  • Rainer Körner: BioLogical Healing Knowledge
  • Marcus Schmieke: AKASHA – how to live in the information field?
  • Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Fischer: DMSO & Co. – Good prospects
  • Dr. med. Ulrich Werth: The eternal needle against Parkinson, Alzheimer & Co.
  • Beate Daneykomayer: Information Medicine (Infopathy) according to HP. E. S. Scheller
  • Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard Kobelt, MD: Alternative cancer treatments in practice
  • Dieter Broers: Why We Are Still Not Awake Music and Chronobiology
  • Dr. med. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Karl. J. Probst: Causal healing of chronic diseases
  • Dr. med. Franjo Grotenhermen: Therapeutic potential of the hemp plant.
  • Prof.* Dr. nauk* Dr. med. Enrico Edinger: Russian Space Medicine and More
  • Zahra Bergmann: From Epstein-Barr Virus to the Pineal Gland
  • Dr. rer. nat. Charles Fernando: Innovative infusion therapy with curcumin
  • Dr. med. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Karl. J. Probst: The spiritual awakening
  • Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine dioxide on the way to becoming a drug
  • Kerri Rivera: Curing the symptoms called autism.
  • Bernd Frank: Healing with Agnihotra
  • Jim Humble: Live long and prosper!
  • Alexander Kalenjuk:
    – Dissolving Mindcontrol Manipulations, Chip Implants
    – Telegony and liberation of unborn souls
    – Brain and pineal gland activation and matrix transformation
  • Roberto Enders: Healing Journey with Rock Crystal Bowls
  • Daniela Schwan: Crystal Concerto in 432 Hz
  • Gabriele-Kathlen Kowalski: Starborn – Call to Humanity (Part 1+ 2)
  • Stefan Fleckenstein: Experiences and workshop with the 150 MHz device.

Robert Betz: Mental detoxification

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. chem. George Birkmayer: NADH and cancer successes

Rainer Körner: BioLogical healing knowledge

Marcus Schmieke: AKASHA - how to live in the information field?

Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Fischer: DMSO & Co. - Good prospects

Dr. med. Ulrich Werth: The eternal needle against Parkinson, Alzheimer & Co.

Beate Daneykomayer: Information Medicine (Infopathy) according to HP. E. S. Scheller

Dr. rer. nat. med. Reinhard Kobelt: Alternative cancer treatments in practice

Below the advertisement we continue with the online course of Andreas Kalcker!

Dieter Broers: Why we are still not awakened

Vera Brandes: Music and Chronobiology

Dr. med. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Karl. J. Probst: Cause-related healing of chronic diseases

Franjo Grotenhermen, MD: Therapeutic potential of the hemp plant

Prof.* Dr. nauk* Dr. med. Enrico Edinger: Russian space medicine and more

Zahra Bergmann: From the Epstein-Barr virus to the pineal gland

Below the advertisement we continue with the online course of Andreas Kalcker!

Dr. rer. nat. Charles Fernando: Innovative infusion therapy with curcumin

Dr. med. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Karl. J. Probst: The spiritual awakening

Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine dioxide on the way to becoming a drug

Kerri Rivera: Healing the symptoms called autism.

Bernd Frank: Healing with Agnihotra

Jim Humble: Live long and prosper!

Below the advertisement we continue with the online course of Andreas Kalcker!

Alexander Kalenjuk: Dissolving Mindcontrol Manipulations, Chip Implants / Telegony and Liberation of Unborn Souls / Brain and Pineal Gland Activation and Matrix Transformation

Roberto Enders: Healing journey with rock crystal bowls

Daniela Schwan: Crystal Concerto in 432 Hz

Gabriele-Kathlen Kowalski:- Starborn - Call to Mankind (Part 1+ 2)

Stefan Fleckenstein: Experiences and workshop with the 150 MHz device

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