4.3 Accusation: "MMS is pure money-making".
A classic MMS set costs between 15 and 25 € and usually lasts for 2-3 years. Those who want to get rich with miracle drugs usually take much higher amounts, such as currently 200,000€ per patient for the cure of hepatitis C with a newly developed drug. To give a seriously ill person false hope for this would be and is immoral in the highest degree. Jim Humble gave this knowledge to humanity for free with his first free book and lives solely on donations and the proceeds from the sale of his other books. I’ve been to see him twice. On my first visit to the Dominican Republic, he lived 3 hours away from any tourist spot in the middle of the slums of the local population. Spartan would not be an apt description of the furnishings of his accommodation. Even youth hostels 50 years ago were better equipped. To this day he does not own a car. The domicile in Mexico on my second visit can also be described as plain and simple. I have not seen any luxury items or symbols on him until today. Since his discovery, he has put all his money into the dissemination of this healing knowledge, which is so important for mankind.
Conclusion: There is no evidence that Jim Humble has become a rich man through MMS, who now lives in luxury.
– Book “Healing is possible” Dr. Andreas Kalcker
– Article “Hepatitis C drug Sovaldi …” Spiegel online