1.9.3. The CDS 115 protocol (dengue protocol)

This protocol was developed by Karl Wagner, Carla Perez and Dr. Damarys Reyes, a microbiologist, from the worldwide MMS family specifically for viral diseases such as Dengue Fever. It is important to know that malaria and dengue can be transmitted by mosquitoes. In dengue, a virus is the pathogen and in malaria it is a parasite. While the malaria parasite is killed with a large shock dose, the virus takes a few hours of continuous ingestion. Fortunately, this makes no difference to chlorine dioxide, which effectively kills both pathogens.

In the CDS 115 protocol, 1ml of CDS/CDSplus at 3,000 ppm is added to some water every 15 min and taken orally. For severe courses, 1 drop of 4-5% sodium chlorite solution (from the set for classic MMS) can be added per ml of CDS/CDSplus. With the old MMS dengue protocol, a dose of 6 was taken once at the beginning and then 3 activated drops were taken every hour.

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