1.7.2 MMS2 substitute based on sodium hypochlorite

Recently, a weak (<1%) sodium hypochlorite solution has become available for purchase as an MMS2 substitute. This too eventually produces hypochlorous acid in the body like the calcium hypochlorite based MMS2. This solution is dosed in droplets instead of the capsules known from MMS2. Again, water is the activator.

The WHO (World Health Organization) and with it many health authorities worldwide recommend disinfection with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution in case of contamination with the Ebola virus (rooms, beds, clothing, etc.). Interestingly, sodium hypochlorite is a relative of MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite), which is also used for drinking water disinfection. If sodium hypochlorite kills the Ebola virus thoroughly, then chlorine dioxide (§11 Drinking Water Ordinance 2001), which is 15 times more effective, is even more effective. But chlorine dioxide with a redox potential of 0.95 V definitely cannot harm healthy body cells with a cell voltage of 1.4 V, while sodium hypochlorite with 1.49V could. but again, it certainly depends on the concentrations.

I too got myself a vial but haven’t tried it yet due to lack of time. Since I lack my own experience and a sufficiently large experience base of users, I cannot and do not want to make a recommendation here. I assume that due to the much lower concentration of active substance than in the MMS2 capsules, correspondingly more of this solution can be used (e.g. 2x 10 drops in the morning and in the evening). I’ll stay on it though!

This solution has not become established.

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