1.6.1 First stage of development: Classic MMS

Chlorine dioxide products are legally approved for drinking water disinfection under certain conditions and are legally available on the market. Chlorine dioxide is a gas that is heavier than air and escapes quickly. Therefore, it cannot be stored for long and is often produced by a chemical reaction shortly before use. This requires a sodium chlorite solution NaClO2 and an activating acid. Jim Humble first took lemon juice for this. After that he recommended first 10-percent and later 50-percent citric acid with different mixing ratios. Other suppliers also offered MMS with tartaric acid and lactic acid as activators. However, such a recommendation has never been issued by the Jim Humble group so far and is therefore not supported here! After a long trial and error and the positive experiences of Kerri Rivera about the much better tolerance with the particularly sensitive autistic children, there is now a new current recommendation. In this case, only a 4-5% hydrochloric acid is recommended as an activator, since this is the only inorganic acid (without a carbon residue molecule) that is legally permitted for drinking water treatment.

As of February 2013, Jim Humble only recommends the following MMS formula:

25% sodium chlorite solution (NaClO2) and

4-5% hydrochloric acid (HCl) as activator

the mixing ratio is always 1:1

the activation time is always 45 seconds

Don’t worry, you don’t have to dispose of your existing MMS set now. Chlorine dioxide is chlorine dioxide and it works. But you should make sure in future procurements that we all just use the same formula. This way we have repeatable application protocols and the same chlorine dioxide concentrations and the many case distinctions and queries from the users, how do you do it with this set and how with that one, can finally be eliminated.

Activation and dosage

Dosages for MMS are indicated in all books and application protocols in the number of “activated drops”, whereby an “activated drop” actually consists of two drops, one drop of sodium chlorite and one drop of activator acid.

Default activation of MMS:

  1. Take a dry and clean glass (ceramic yes, but no metal)
  2. Drop e.g. 3 drops of sodium chlorite solution (25% NaClO2) into the glass.
  3. Drop the same amount of activator hydrochloric acid (4-5% HCl) into the glass.
  4. Hold the glass at an angle so that the drops meet and react with each other
  5. Wait about 45 seconds until the mixture turns yellow-brown and smells like an indoor pool.
  6. Fill the glass with the desired amount of water (approx. 150-250ml).
  7. Use this solution immediately, because the gas chlorine dioxide wants to escape

Warning: Please do not go so close to the glass with your nose and try to avoid inhaling the gases released.

If water is already in the glass, no chemical reaction takes place. It doesn’t matter which of the two components you drip in first. The amount of water you use is up to you. If you like it strongly diluted, then you must drink more liquid. If you can’t drink that much liquid, the taste will be stronger. It is important that the amount of chlorine dioxide taken is always the same.


Pure chlorine

This reaction not only produces chlorine dioxide, but also always a small amount of pure chlorine. Pure chlorine, on the other hand, is very reactive and minute amounts of toxic chlorates can be formed. This “micro-poisoning” could be another reason for earlier onset nausea for sensitive people.

Strongly acidic

Contrary to previous statements in the relevant MMS books, the activating acid is not consumed in the production of chlorine dioxide. Thus, no “residual acid” remains, but the full acidity, i.e. the prepared solution is very acidic in pH (2.5-3). Chronically ill people are often strongly overacidified and tolerate among other things for this reason the classical MMS less well. Here, the following further developments such as CDS and CDSplus are very helpful.

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