1.10 MMS FAQs - Questions and Answers
Question: What is the shelf life of the chlorine dioxide solution and how can I tell?
The chlorine dioxide is dissolved in the water as a brown-yellow gas. The solution usually looks yellowish. If the vessel is open, the gas escapes quite quickly and a clear solution remains. The clearer the solution, the less chlorine dioxide it contains and the weaker the effect of the solution. You can extend the shelf life by closing the container and by cooling (e.g. in the refrigerator). CDS generally does not last as long as CDSplus.
Question: I have such and such a disease or such and such a symptom. How should I dose or take MMS/CDSplus?
Excuse me, but I cannot, must not and will not answer this question. Our philosophy is to provide everyone with the information he/she needs to make a decision for him/herself and then, if necessary, to make a decision for him/her. to carry out a self-treatment with chlorine dioxide on their own responsibility or not. We don’t want to advise or discourage anyone here, and we certainly don’t want to take over anyone’s decision. This is the old thinking as in orthodox medicine, “You doctor decide what, when and how much of what I have to take. I’m just the sacrificial lamb.” Even doctors find this system overwhelming for them most of the time. Chlorine dioxide taken orally has a very broad-spectrum effect and is usually very well tolerated. As far as I know, no one has suffered any permanent damage so far. The protocols MMS-1000 and CDS-1000 are completely sufficient in over 90% of the cases of application from prevention over medium inflammation up to chronic illness. If applicable. they are combined with external applications such as baths and enemas. For life-threatening conditions like cancer, many also use the 1000 or 2000 protocols, but often increase the CDSplus daily doses by 3-5 times. All other intake forms and protocols are only necessary in very rare cases. Malaria, for example, is one of the few infectious diseases where we can eliminate the pathogen within just 4 hours by taking a single high dose (18 activated drops for adults and 8 activated drops for children). This question is not a question of knowledge, but of responsibility, namely personal responsibility!
Question: What about my “good” gut bacteria?
If MMS kills all bacteria, then it must also attack my good intestinal bacteria. This is the most common objection against an oral intake of MMS. The condensed experience reports show, however, that MMS does not harm the good intestinal flora even with a longer continuous intake. We have no scientifically proven explanations for this, but we do have plausible and logical explanatory models. Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer. Hydrogen peroxide and ozone are very powerful oxidizers and can destroy body cells as well as good bacteria. The next weaker oxidizer is oxygen. Our body cells and our good intestinal bacteria (1.45 volts) are able to hold on to their electrons in the face of the strong oxidizer oxygen. Otherwise, every breath we take would kill many thousands of cells in our body. Chlorine dioxide is a much weaker oxidizer. So if the cells can successfully defend their electrons against a strong oxidizer, they can do so even more so against the weaker chlorine dioxide (0.95 volts). This force to hold electrons is also called redox potential. Interestingly, most pathogenic germs (by the way, pathogenic germs are often anaerobic and do not use oxygen) have a lower redox potential than chlorine dioxide and are therefore attacked first by the MMS. In the MMS application protocols, usually only concentrations are recommended at which the good intestinal flora is maintained.
Conclusion: Chlorine dioxide does not attack body cells or the “good” bacteria!
Question: With the MMS, can I first put water into the glass and then the NaClO2 and activator drops?
No, water slows down the reaction very much! Please follow exactly the sequence according to the instructions above!
Question: How much water should I take for an oral portion of MMS/CDS?
This is basically irrelevant. If there are 3 activated drops of MMS or e.g. 1ml of CDS in the glass and you drink the glass, you have always taken the same amount of chlorine dioxide. If there is little water in the glass e.g. 100ml, it tastes stronger. If there is a lot of water, e.g. 250ml in the glass, it tastes milder, but you have to drink more liquid.
Question: What is the mixing ratio for citric acid 10% or 50% or tartaric acid or other similar questions?
This question is no longer answered, as we have only settled on the best tolerated 4-5% hydrochloric acid as the activator. Here the ratio is always simply 1:1.
Question: With which fruit juices, coffee or tea can I take MMS/CDS?
Meanwhile, only the MMS intake with pure drinking water is recommended. Even in apparently pure fruit juices, artificial vitamin C (usually obtained from genetically modified maize) is added via E-numbers and labelled as a stabiliser in order to drastically increase the shelf life of the juices. Since vitamin C and chlorine dioxide cancel each other out in their effect, recently Jim Humble and also Dr. Klinghardt recommend to take MMS/CDS only with water.
A tip: Whom the taste and smell of MMS is too hard thereby, should hold the nose with the income or change to the much better compatible and pH-neutral CDSplus.
Question: There are instructions on the Internet to neutralize the residual acid in the activated MMS with sodium bicarbonate, should I do this?
No, meanwhile many have taken distance from it again, because it can impair the effect of MMS. Dr. Oswald also recommends to take a sodium bicarbonate solution as an antidote in case of overdosage of MMS.
Question: When should I take MMS and with which foods rather not?
When MMS was still taken in few and high single doses, this question was important for a better tolerance. Since with the MMS-1000 and/or CDS-1000 protocol meanwhile far smaller doses and up to eight times a day are taken, it is now relatively unimportant whether one takes it before or after the meal. Eight times a day on an empty stomach would then only be possible during a fasting cure. I just think of my CDS bottle as a drink. I also do not make myself the stress to examine every food whether they can limit the effect of MMS. Even if I ate a pineapple once, the effect of one of my eight doses a day was slightly weakened. All this does not play the slightest role in this protocol designed for 4-6 weeks. So in this case, just don’t think too much!
Question: Can I stop for a while in the middle of protocol 1000?
Yes, since this is a cleansing program, you don’t jeopardize all the success like you do with antibiotics just because you had to take a break for personal or professional reasons. Just get back to it when you can.
Question: Are products in glass bottles better than in plastic bottles?
At the beginning of the MMS movement, some manufacturers/suppliers had bottled sodium chlorite and the activator in PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles out of ignorance. These became brittle and cracked over time. I know of no provider in the German-speaking world today who makes this mistake. HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) is an approved material for these products and so most manufacturers also offer their products in HDPE bottles. HDPE bottles have the advantage that they are very light and, above all, unbreakable. This is also very useful and important with the alkalis and acids as ingredients. Vendors with glass bottles often give the impression that these products are somehow cleaner or healthier. It is important to know that sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid solutions in food grade quality are always produced, stored and supplied by the chemical industry only in HDPE canisters or HDPE drums. Only by filling at the end at the supplier in glass bottles, the quality is now also not better. Dr. Andreas Kalcker warned specifically against DMSO offers, which are offered in a glass bottle with a glass pipette. The plunger on the glass pipette is made of rubber or rubber substitutes, all of which are not suitable for DMSO. This plunger would dissolve and the toxic components would go into solution with it and, if treated externally, would also be introduced into the skin. This would also be true of some CDL offerings with a glass pipette that have a rubbery plunger. For the short-term administration of eye, ear and nose drops, the use of such droppers with plungers is perfectly fine, but the chlorine dioxide solution should not be stored permanently closed with such a dropper.
Question: Why then is a sealable glass bottle always recommended for the Protocol-1000?
Suppliers of chlorine dioxide products are now well aware of the difference between PET and HDPE. However, not every layman can recognize this difference right away and makes mistakes, for example, if he wants to use any empty plastic beverage bottle at home. That’s why we play it safe and recommend a sealable glass bottle like the one from IKEA for the daily dose of the 1000 protocol ๐
Question: What about the simultaneous intake of NEM or medication and MMS/CDS?
Up to now, we are not aware of any interactions between MMS or chlorine dioxide and vitamin C / sodium bicarbonate except for the mutual neutralization. Dr. Klinghardt recommends in the morning until e.g. 18:00 o’clock the MMS-/CDS-1000 protocol and gives after 3-4 hours thus from 21-22:00 o’clock then all food supplements (NEM) and if necessary. necessary medication. Since chlorine dioxide usually acts in the body for only 1-2 hours before it decomposes into common salt, water and oxygen, this time interval should be sufficient to avoid hitherto unknown but possible interactions.
Question: Can I take MMS also with amalgam fillings in the teeth or an artificial prosthesis made of metal in the body?
Probably due to the small amount and short duration of action, no damage to dental fillings, bridges, dentures and implants made of metal in the body has been reported to us so far. If then MMS would oxidize e.g. the released mercury from the amalgam filling to a water-soluble metal salt, which can be excreted via kidney and urine. CDS or CDSplus seems to be even more harmless than MMS because of the neutral pH-value. I am only aware that one with existing amalgam fillings CANNOT discharge heavy metals according to Dr. Mutter/Dr. Klinghardt is allowed to do. Here, larger amounts of heavy metals such as mercury can be released, which would put additional strain on the body.
Question: Why do I have very strong nausea or vomiting or diarrhoea already with the slightest intake of MMS/CDS?
This is now actually rare and can have various causes. On the one hand, a very rare chlorine allergy may be present. On the other hand, the body can be very germy and this one dose of MMS/CDS killed many more germs than other people. Then this high concentration of bacterial waste triggers the side effects due to the overload of kidneys and liver. Another cause may be the activator if you used citric acid, tartaric acid, etc. instead of the recommended hydrochloric acid. Some people are very overacidified and react also very violently to the rest acid in the MMS, here one should rather change to the pH-neutral CDSplus. As a last resort, you may have a parasite infestation. Parasites react very violently to chlorine dioxide, begin to multiply massively, and in a panic spill their intestinal contents into our bodies. These excretion products of the parasites such as ammonium, formaldehyde, histamine, manilin are neurotoxins for our immune system and can therefore trigger the severe side effects. Here a parasite cure, e.g. according to Dr. Andreas Kalcker (see book “Back2Balance”) would be indicated.