1.1 Conventional medicine and personal responsibility

Modern orthodox medicine of today has two faces for me. The right face is that of surgery and craftsmanship. The development of the last 50 years has been quite rapid. Even in the case of complex and severe injuries, for example due to a car accident, the functionality of bones, joints, tendons, nerves, blood vessels and the skin can very often be restored to over 90%. Respect! In that respect, I am glad to live in this day and age. Emergency and critical care medicine has saved the lives of a great many. Unfortunately, there is also the left face of conventional medicine: the extremely lucrative attempt to treat diseases with artificial substances that do not occur in nature. Here, for 50 years, there has really only been the pattern F without any rapid developments or breakthroughs as in surgery. Basically, well-known and highly effective natural active substances are deliberately badmouthed and banned from the market and replaced by artificially produced substances, which work poorly or not at all and cause considerable side effects. But because they are new and artificial, they can be patented and thus sold at outrageously high profit margins (no industry has higher margins!). Unfortunately, the patient falls by the wayside.

Moreover, in the past, personal responsibility still rested fully in one’s own hands. In the last 50 years we have been re-educated to run to the doctor for every little thing and to hand over not only our jacket but also our personal responsibility in the waiting room at the cloakroom. Then we are only in the role of the sacrificial lamb and wait tensely for some laboratory values and their interpretation by our doctor, so that he can judge our further fate. If you send the same patient with the same symptoms to five different doctors, you will sometimes get five different diagnoses and five different treatment suggestions. From “operate immediately”, over medication to “go home first and observe it for some time”, everything can be there. Is this approach really scientifically sound and, above all, where is the exact repeatability in the application of this knowledge? This is not meant to be a reproach to the attending physician. The possibilities of influencing the development of diseases are much more complex than is usually taught, moreover, each person is an individual and with very individual physical characteristics. In addition, it also matters when the doctor was trained and what level of experience he or she has. But for the patient, it often means the difference between “leg off and leg on” or it’s a matter of survival. Meanwhile, drug side effects and medical malpractice are the #1 cause of deathespecially in rich countries (see Death by Medicine study).

That is why today it is again very important to regard the doctor not as a demigod in white, but as a good advisor. If one then has the advice of several consultants, one should not let oneself be guided by fear, but by gut feeling, which suggested therapy one would like to apply oneself. Because the most prevalent disease on this planet, with the highest death toll, is not cancer or cardiovascular disease, but the disease ANGST. Fear brings you out of your center, out of balance and takes away your strength. Only then do germs and diseases have any chance at all. That’s why you get the two most important tips for survival from this book right at the beginning:

  1. Always keep the faith and always stay with you!
  1. Take responsibility for yourself and your body again!

These can be the most important steps to your complete healing and often contribute more to success than reluctantly enduring the supposedly better therapy.


– Death by Medicine Study.

Sources and bibliography

All statements in this book are based on studies, publications or other verifiable third party statements. On the website www.mms-seminar.com you can watch the
Webinar “Healing with MMS?”
book it. There you will find for each source listed at the end of a chapter under “Facts” both the direct link and a link to an archived version.

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