Best MMS Lecture – Dr. med Teresa Forcades i Villa

Lecture by Dr. med. Dr. theol. Teresa Forcades i Villa at the “Spirit of Health Congress 2015” followed by a short interview with Michael Friedrich Vogt. Dr. med. Dr. theol. Teresa Forcades i Vila is a Spanish physician and Benedictine nun from the mountain monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat. In addition to a master’s degree in theology, she holds a doctorate in public health with a dissertation on alternative medicine, as well as a doctorate in theology with a study on the modern concept of freedom through self-determination.

Her critical publications include “Crimes and Abuses of Pharmaceutical Companies” in English. 

In her presentation at Spirit of Health 2015, she talks about the scientific and medical state of research on chlorine dioxide as a therapeutic agent. Besides explaining what chlorine dioxide (MMS) is and what it does, she goes into the areas of application that have been proven with studies, such as cystitis, cancer, AIDS, ALS and more, and also shows the side-effect-free use with correct dosage.

Our tip: This talk is in German and is available in full length for the first time. A doctor explains the safe and successful use of MMS for many diseases in a very clear and understandable way!

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